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Macam-macam Peralatan Listrik

Macam-macam Peralatan Listrik  rumah tinggal banyak macamnya. Di bawah ini adalah contoh-contoh peralatan listrik instalasi listrik rumah tinggal :


Bargainser adalah  alat yang mempunyai fungsi membatasi daya listrik yang masuk ke rumah tinggal, juga mempunyai fungsi mengukur jumlah daya listrik yang digunakan sebuah rumah tinggal (dalam satuan kWh). Batasan daya yang dikeluarkan oleh PLN untuk konsumsi rumah tinggal, misalnya : 220 VA, 450 VA, 900 VA, etc

Bargainser terdapat tiga bagian, yaitu:
- MCB atau Miniature Circuit Breaker, mempunyai fungsi untuk memutuskan aliran daya listrik secara otomatis jika yang dihantarkan dayanya melebihi nilai batasan. MCB ini bersifat on/off dan juga berfungsi sebagai sakelar utama dalam rumah.  MCB bargainser bila dalam kondisi off, maka semua aliran listrik yang ada di dalam rumahpun  terhenti. Biasanya sakelar ini dimatikan pada saat akan dilakukan perbaikan instalasi listrik di dalam rumah.

- Meter listrik atau kWh meter, alat ini mempunyai fungsi untuk mengukur besarnya daya yang digunakan oleh sebuah rumah tinggal. Di ukur dalam satuan kWh (kilowatt hour). Pada bargainser, meter listrik berupa deretan angka secara analog ataupun digital yang akan berubah sesuai penggunaan daya listriknya

- Spin Control, merupakan alat kontrol yang penggunaan dayanya dalam rumah tinggal dan akan selalu berputar selama ada penggunaan daya listrik. Perputaran spin control ini akan semakain cepat jika penggunaan daya listrik semakin besar, dan akan melambat jika penggunaan daya listrik berkurang/sedikit.

Biasanya pada kanal output Bargainser mempunyai 3 kabel, yaitu kabel fasa, kabel netral dan kabel ground yang semuanya dihubungkan ke tanah. Listrik dari PLN sebelum masuk ke instalasi rumah tingal harus dihubungkan dengan bargainser terlebih dahulu.


Home electricaI installation needs safety which has function to break off electrical series if happened disruption to home electrical installation, such as short circuit .

There are two kinds of electrical safety in home electrical installation, they are :
  • Melting usual safety called fuse, this tool works to break off electrical series by melting wire which is placed in a tube if the wire is drained electrical current with certain size.
  • Thermis electrical safety, called MCB and it is a safety tool that will break off electrical series based on the hot.


Switch is electrical installation components which has the function to connect or break off electricity in a conductor.
Based on the magnitude of the voltage, switch can be distinguished into :
  • Low-voltage switch
  • Medium-voltage switch
  • High or very high-voltage switch

While based on place and installation, switch can be distinguished into :
  • Switch in-bow, switch that is implanted in the wall.
  • Switch out-bow, switch mounted on the wall surface

The next type of switch can be distinguished based on the function, they are :
  • Switch on-off, is a switch that works to connect electrical current if the button is pressed on position. While to break off electrical current, the button has to be pressed off position. The type of switch usually used for lamp switch.  
  • Switch push-on, is a switch that connect electrical current is the button is pressed on position and it will be automatically to break off electrical current when the button is removed and back to off position by itself. Usually the type of switch is used for doorbell switch.

Based on types per unit, switch can be distinguished to two kinds as follow :
  • Single switch is a switch only has one channel input that connect with electrical source also channel output that connect with electrical load/ electrical tool that was used.
  • Double switch is a switch has one channel input which connect with electrical source, but it has many channels output that connect with some loads/ electrical tools that were used depend on the number of buttons on the switch.


Outlet is an electrical component that has function as estuary relations between electrical tool and electricity. That the electrical tool connect with outlet, then need cable and plug later plugged to outlet.

Based on the form and the function, outlet is distinguished to two kinds as follow :
  • Little outlet, is an outlet with two holes (channel) that has function to supply power to low power into electrical tools through plug is also a small kind.
  • Big outlet, is an outlet with two channels AC that be equipped with metal plate in upside and downside of AC channel that has function as ground. The type of outlet usually used for more power.

While based on installation place. Be known two kinds of outlet, they are :
  • Outlet in bow, is an outlet which mounted in the wall.
  • Outlet out bow, is an outlet which placed outside the wall or just put on the surface of the wall function as portable outlet.


Plug consists of two plugs made of metal and it is electrical tool function to connect electrical tool with electricity, plugged to channel of outlet so that electrical tool can be used.

Based on the form and the function, plug has two kinds, they are :
  • Small plug is a plug that is used to connect electrical tools which have low power, for example : lamp or small radio with electrical source or outlet.
  • Big plug is a plug that is used for electrical tools that have big power such as : refrigerator, microwave, washing machine etc with electrical source and outlet. The type of plug be equipped with metal plate for ground channel function as safety.


Electrical cable is electrical component function to conduct electrical energy to sources of electrical load or electrical tools.

For home electrical installation, the cable that is usually used assorted as follow :
  • NYA
  • NYM
  • NYY

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