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Fungsi dan Macam-macam Saklar

Pengertian Saklar (The definition) Saklar adalah sebuah perangkat atau alat yang berfungsi untuk memutuskan jaringan listrik, atau untuk menghubungkannya kembali. Jadi kesimpulannya saklar adalah alat penyambung atau pemutus aliran listrik. Selain untuk listrik arus kuat, saklar yang bentuk kecil dipakai untuk alat-alat elektronika arus lemah

Secara sederhana, saklar terdiri dari dua bilah logam yang menempel pada suatu rangkaian, dan bisa terhubung dalam keadaan sambung (on) atau terpisah dalam keadaan putus (off) dalam rangkaian itu.

Material kontak sambungan umumnya dipilih agar supaya tahan terhadap korosi (karatan).  Kalau logam yang sering dipakai bahannya terbuat dari  oksida biasa, jadi  saklar akan sering tidak bekerja. Untuk mengurangi  korosi ini, logam pada kontaknya harus disepuh menggunakan logam anti korosi dan anti karat. Saklar tombol ini bisa diaplikasikan untuk sensor mekanik, karena alat ini bisa dipakai pada mikrokontroller yang fungsinya untuk pengaturan rangkaian pengontrolan.

Pengertian Saklar

Saklar adalah komponen listrik yang berfungsi sebagai pemutus dan penyambung arus listrik dari sumber arus ke beban listrik pada rangkaian listrik tertutup. Berdasarkan fungsi, jenis dan cara pemasangannya saklar dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian :

a. Saklar tunggal

adalah saklar yang digunakan untuk menghidupkan dan mematikan satu buah atau satu kelompok beban listrik. Dalam hal ini yang dimaksud adalah beban penerangan atau lampu listrik.

b. Saklar Majemuk

adalah Saklar yang digunakan untuk menghidupkan dan mematikan lebih dari satu buah atau satu kelompok beban listrik.

c. Saklar tukar

adalah saklar yang dapat digunakan untuk menghidupkan dan mematikan lampu dari beda tempat. Instalasi saklar tukar adalah penggunaan dua buah saklar akan tetapi untuk menyalakan dan menghidupkan satu buah lampu dengan cara bergantian. Penggunaan saklar tukar bisa dijumpai di hotel-hotel, di rumah penginapan maupun di lorong-lorong yang panjang. Sehingga saklar tukar ini dikenal juga sebagai saklar hotel maupun saklar lorong. Penggunaan saklar ini bertujuan : untuk efisiensi waktu dan tenaga karena penggunaan saklar ini sangat praktis.

The functions of Switch and Many kinds of Switch.

Switch is a tool that was used to break off and connect electricity. So switch essentially is a tool has function to connect or break off electricity (electric current) in strong electric current network also weak electric current network.

The distinguishing of strong electric current switch and weak electric current switch is the small form is used for electronical tool of weak current, otherwise greater the switch that was used then electric current is the stronger.

The function of Switch and Relay.

Simple, switch consists of two metal blades that adhere in an series, can be connected or separate according to connected condition (on) or break off (off) in this series. Material of contact connection is for common that was chosen in order to resist corrosion. If the metal that was used made from ordinary oxide materials, then the switch will often doesn’t work. To reduce corrosion effect, metal contact has to gilded with metal anti-corrosion and anti-rust.

Many kinds of Switch :

Push Botton Switch
Push button switch is switch type that connect electricity for a moment when it was pressed after removed come back to off position. Many people use the type of switch to electronical series that combinate with locking circuit.

Toggle Switch
Toggle switch connect or break off current by moving toggle/lever in mechanically. The size is relatively small, in general is used to electronical series.

Selector Switch, disingkat (SS)
Voter switch provide some positions, they are condition on and condition off, there is two, three, four even more position chosen, with many shear type or turning. Voter switch usually was posted to control panel to choose different kind of operation, with different series too. Voter switch has some contacts and every contact is connected by cable to different series for example : for rapid rotation of the motor circuit and slow rotation of the motor circuit. Or for audio series such as choose radio position, tape etc.

Mechanic Switch
In general mechanic switch was used for automation and also to protect the series. Mechanic series will be on or off automatically by a process parameter change, such as position, pressure or temperature. Switch will on or off if set point process was determined has reached. There are some type mechanic switch they  are Limit switch, Flow Switch, Level switch, Pressure switch and temperature switch. The example of usage like for magic.com is Temperatur switch.     

Limit Switch (LS)
Limit switch including switch which is widely used in industry. Essentially limit switch work based on flipper switch the rotating lever because get plunger pressure or tripping fin wobbler. These configurations on the market are (a) fin roller which can be arranged  (b) plunger (C) standar roller fin (d) fin wobbler (e) fin rod which can be arranged. When the lever is depressed by mechanical movement, then the contact will change the position. The example of application switch is in PMS (Disconecting switch) to stop PMS motor rotation arm.

Temperature Switch
Temperatur switch called thermostat, work based on temperature change. The change of electric contact  was triggered by liquid expansion on sealed chamber. This chamber consist of tube kapiller and cylinder made from stainless steel. The liquid in chamber has high temperature coefficient so that if cylinder heat up, liquid will expand and create pressure in a whole finish chamber. This pressure caused contact change status. Physically switch consist of two components they are movement part ( remove by pressure ) and contact part.  Moving part can be like diaphragm or piston. Electric contact  usually connected to  moving part so if happened scrape will caused condition change (On to off or otherwise).  

Flow Switch (FL)
This Switch is used to detect change of fluid flow or gas in pipe, available for some viscosities. When the liquid in the pipe does not have flow, then lever contact or piston doesn’t move because pressure in the right side and lever left as the same. But when there is a flow, then lever/piston will move and contact will change so that can be connected or break off the series.  

Float Switch (FS)
Level switch or float switch is discrete switch used to control liquid surface level in a tank.  The position liquid level in a tank used to triggered switch contact change. The position level switch is there are horizonthal and vertical.

Pressure Switch
Pressure switch is switch that works depend on pressure into switch device itself. The pressure
Comes water, air or another liquid, example : oil. The definition of two kinds of pressure switch as follow : absolut (trigger happened in certain pressure) and differential configuration ( trigger happened because difference of pressure )

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