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Keuntungan dari Paket Usaha Listrik

Keuntungan dari Paket Usaha Listrik ada banyak.  Dengan modal yang anda punya kami akan membantu anda untuk memulai usaha listrik yang disesuaikan dengan modal anda. Kami sesuaikan dengan karakteristik daerah tempat berjualan anda, disediakan pula produk sekomplit dan sevariatif produk yang akan anda jual, kami akan membantu memnyediakannya.

Kami cantumkan  list harga beli juga list harga yang akan kami rekomendasikan untuk di jual. Kami tidak akan melepaskan anda begitu saja setelah anda membeli paket dari kami, akan kami bantu dengan ide, usulan, saran, atau masukan. Jika anda ingin berkonsultasi kami akan menyediakan waktu luang dan kami pun akan terus mensupport anda.


Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk memulai usaha? Barang apa  yang harus kita belanja terlebih dahulu? Dimana kita dapat  berbelanja alat listrik dan perlengkapan listrik yang lengkap, berkualitas, aman, murah, dan dapat dipercaya?

Kami akan membantu anda untuk mewujudkan impian anda mempunyai usaha alat listrik, baik  toko kelontong sekala kecil, menengah, atau toko alat listrik mandiri. Dengan ini kami menyediakan Paket Usaha Alat Listrik dengan  anggaran yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kemampuan anda.

Paket usaha alat listrik ini kami susun sedemikian rupa, supaya anda bisa memulai usaha alat-alat listrik dengan  tidak salah memilih produk-produk yang akan dijual pada awal pendirian toko listrik.  Semua itu untuk menghindari pemborosan  dana karena keliru dalam pemiilihan produk alat-alat listrik pada awal pendirian.  Untuk mendapatkan harga paket  alat listrik khusus yang murah akan tetapi tidak mengesampingkan dengan kualitas barang, bisa dibuktikan dengan membeli produk-produk merk terkenal dan sudah terpercaya.
Semua itu supaya bisa kompetitif, sudah pasti mendapatkan produk peralatan yang banyak dan tentunya mendapat margin profit yang maksimal.

Berikut daftar
paket usaha alat listrik dari kami :
Paket usaha alat listrik ini ditujukan untuk toko-toko kelontong kecil yang ingin meningkatkan usahanya dengan bertambahnya dagangan alat-alat listrik.

Adapun Paket Toko Kelontong (Kecil) adalah sbb:

Paket 2 juta ini berisi alat-alat listrik yang telah anda beli dari kami dengan harga  Rp. 2 juta dan kemudian anda jual ecer dengan keuntungan 15% sampai dengan 35% atau lebih (disesuaikan dengan harga pasaran disekitar tempat anda). Dari paket 2 juta anda bisa mendapatkan :
1) produk alat-alat listrik dengan harga  Rp. 2 juta antara lain :

·         lampu P L C
·         L philips tl 10W
·         L philips tl 15W
·         L philips tl 18W
·         l philips siawet 5
·         l philips bolp 10W
·         l philips bolp 15W
·         l philips bolp 25W
·         l philips bolp 40W
·         l bolp 5W
·         l bolp 10W
·         l bolp 15W
·         l bolp 25W
·         l bolp 5W tanggung
·         l cosco 5W
·         l cosco 9W
·         l cosco 11W
·         l cosco 15W
·         l cosco 18W
·         l Panasonic spiral 5W
·         l Panasonic spiral 15W
·         l Panasonic spiral 25W
·         l cosco spiral 23W
·         l cosco spiral 32W
·         s gantung
·         saklar engkel piano voltama
·         saklar doubel piano voltama
·         fiting gantung avatar
·         fiting gantung Broco
·         fPlafon hitam broco
·         fPlafon hitam broco
·         f segi Ge
·         Fplafon kotak broco
·         steker
·         Steker Broco
·         Steker Arde Broco
·         Steker Arde
·         kaki tl
·         Starter
·         f besi
·         Kap hijau kecil
·         Kap hijau
·         f gantung holder
·         stop kontak gepeng3 lubang

·         stop kontak gepeng 4 lubang
·         Ib Broco NG S Engkel
·         Ib Broco NG S doubel
·         Ib Broco NG S kontak
·         Ib Brigt G NG S doubel
·         Ib Brigt G NG S Engkel
·         Ib Brigt G NG S Kontak
·         contra steker broco
·         contra steker Arde broco
·         Over steker  + Switch
·         Kabel transparan 2x30 30M

2) List of the purchase price contains your purchase price from us the same as with purchase orders
3) List of the seller price : market price or retail price in our place which sell.
4) Banners of MMT electrical tool as your identity to provide an electrical tool product so that consumer candidate or customers easy to know your place which sell electrical tools.

5 million packet contains electrical tools which you buy from us with purchase price 5 million rupiahs and then you can sell in retail with the provit 15%-35% or more ( be adapted with market price around your place). From 5 million packet you can get : ‘
1) Electrical tool product worth 5 million rupiahs including product list to 2 million packet with more quantity was added more items.
2) List of the purchase price contains your purchase price from us the same as with purchase orders.
3) List of the seller price : market price or retail price in our place which sell.
4) Banners of MMT electrical tool as your identity to provide an electrical tool product so that consumer candidate or customers easy to know your place which sell electrical tools.

7 million packet contains electrical tools which you buy from us with purchase price 7 million rupiahs and then you can sell in retail with the provit 15%-35% or more ( be adapted with market price around your place). From 7 million packet you can get : ‘
1) Electrical tool product worth 7 million rupiahs including product list to 5 million packet with more quantity was added more items.
2) List of the purchase price contains your purchase price from us the same as with purchase orders.
3) List of the seller price : market price or retail price in our place which sell.
4) Banners of MMT electrical tool as your identity to provide an electrical tool product so that consumer candidate or customers easy to know your place which sell electrical tools.

10 million packet contains electrical tools which you buy from us with purchase price 10 million rupiahs and then you can sell in retail with the provit 15%-35% or more ( be adapted with market price around your place). From 10 million packet you can get : ‘
1) Electrical tool product worth 10 million rupiahs including product list to 7 million packet with more quantity was added more items.
2) List of the purchase price contains your purchase price from us the same as with purchase orders.
3) List of the seller price : market price or retail price in our place which sell.
4) Banners of MMT electrical tool as your identity to provide an electrical tool product so that consumer candidate or customers easy to know your place which sell electrical tools.

15 million packet contains electrical tools which you buy from us with purchase price 15 million rupiahs and then you can sell in retail with the provit 15%-35% or more ( be adapted with market price around your place). From 15 million packet you can get : ‘
1) Electrical tool product worth 10 million rupiahs including product list to 10 million packet with more quantity was added more items.
2) List of the purchase price contains your purchase price from us the same as with purchase orders.
3) List of the seller price : market price or retail price in our place which sell.
4) Banners of MMT electrical tool as your identity to provide an electrical tool product so that consumer candidate or customers easy to know your place which sell electrical tools.

20 million packet contains electrical tools which you buy from us with purchase price 20 million rupiahs and then you can sell in retail with the provit 15%-35% or more ( be adapted with market price around your place). From 20 million packet you can get : ‘
1) Electrical tool product worth 20 million rupiahs including product list to 5 million packet with more quantity was added more items.
2) List of the purchase price contains your purchase price from us the same as with purchase orders.
3) List of the seller price : market price or retail price in our place which sell.
4) Banners of MMT electrical tool as your identity to provide an electrical tool product so that consumer candidate or customers easy to know your place which sell electrical tools.

Price list anytime can be changed suitable with where the goods. 

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