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Kabel NYM dan Penggunaanya

LISTRIKmart.com sms and Call: 081-228899-079 adalah supplier alat listrik yang lengkap, murah terbesar dan terdepan.  LISTRIKmart.com menjual berbagai  ribuan item alat listrik salah satunya kabel NYM. Kami menyediakan berbagai macam jenis kabel NYM antara lain : kabel NYM 3x25, NYM 300/500V SNI 04-2699 SPLN 42-2, NYMHY 300/500V SNI 04-2700 SPLN 42-6-2.

KABEL N.Y.M beserta fungsinya
Penggunaanya untuk kabel instalasi listrik rumah atau gedung dan sistem tenaga. Kabel NYM mempunyai inti lebih dari 1, memiliki lapisan isolasi PVC (biasanya warna putih atau abu-abu), ada yang mempunyai inti 2, 3 atau 4. Karena kabel NYM memiliki lapisan isolasi dua lapis, maka tingkat keamanannya lebih baik dari kabel NYA (harganya lebih mahal dari NYA). Kabel ini dapat digunakan dilingkungan yang kering dan basah, tapi tidak boleh ditanam.

Beragam arti Kode Pengenal Kabel NYM

Huruf kode       Keterangan

N                      Kabel jenis standar dengan tembaga sebagai penghantar

Y                      Isolasi PVC

M                     Selubung PVC

re                     Penghantar solid bulat

rm                    Penghantar bulat dan berkawat banyak

- I                     Kabel dilengkapi sistem pengenal warna inti hijau-kuning

- O                   Kabel dilengkapi sistem pengenal warna inti tanpa hijau-kuning

 Kode pengenal ditandai dengan dilengkapi luas penampang penghantar dan tegangan pengenal.

For example :

a. NYM -I  4 X 25 rm 300/500 V

State an issolation cable and sheathed PVC that has four nucleus with identity voltage that is 300/500 V, has copper conductor that is untwisted round has a lot of wire with cross sectional area 25 mm2, also within colour identity system nucleus green and yellow.

b. NYM -O 2 X 10 re 300/500 V

State an isolation cable and sheathed PVC that has two nucleus with identity voltage 300/500 V, conduct copper solid and round with cross sectional area 10 mm2 within colour identity system nucleus without green-yellow.
Generally using NYM cable for installation cable in the house ( installation cable/building wire) and fixing installation in the buildings, institutes, hotel, apartment where we do not need quality of voltage resistance higher than 450/500 V.

For usage is planted in the wall and suggest to enter firstly in the pipe ( prevent cable punctured or hurt by sharp thing )

NYM cable is cable has function more in the housing because all of electrical connection generally we do not need voltage resistance more than 450/500VAC.

NYM cable preferably by customer to install in the house compare with cable another kind because the peel has white colour and the cost is cheaper than another one.


This cable has low voltage and apply for common indoor installation but not underground.


Conductor is made from copper conductor


By extruding colored PVC, able to operate continuously maximum temperature of the cable

Inner Sheath

Extruding black PVC filler

Outer Sheath

By extruding white PVC suitable for the operating temperature of the cable

Identification of cores

Complying with requirement of system O/I (other colors on request)

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